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Connecticut Theatre Company

Spotlight On: Kerrie Maguire



Connecticut Theatre Company’s “Spotlight On…” series continues with a look into our talented cast and crew of Nine. Get to know Kerrie Maguire who is portraying Sarraghina!



Introduce Yourself to Our Audience:

Hello! I’m Kerrie. I’m playing Sarraghina and co-costuming NINE. I’m thrilled to be back for my third show with Connecticut Theatre Company. My previous shows with CTC were Spring Awakening (Ilse) and Head Over Heels (Gynecia). Offstage I’m a writer, game developer, barista, flower delivery courier, and standardized patient.


Why did you want to be involved in this production?

I listened to the cast recording about a month before auditions and fell in love with the score. It’s been a very long time since I’ve done a more classic-style musical, as opposed to rock/contemporary, so I was very excited to audition!


How do you prepare for a new role or character, and what techniques do you use?

I’m a very visual person, so I love making a mood board as well as watching other productions or related films. I usually make a dedicated playlist of songs that remind me of my character or the show, but I truly can’t think of any songs that capture Sarraghina better than “Be Italian” — so, no playlist this time around!


What do you love about your character?

So many things! I love that Sarraghina is written for a very low female voice. That’s so hard to find, especially in modern musical theatre. I also just love what an interesting role she plays in Guido’s life, and how seeing his interaction with her as a child puts the rest of his character into perspective.


What challenges did you face bringing the script to life?

Finding Sarraghina’s balance. On paper, she can sound quite malicious: a grown woman who is filling a young boy’s head with sensationalized ideas about romance, sex, and how he should carry himself as a man to “drive women crazy.” But I think there can be a softness and playfulness to her that I really wanted to incorporate.


Who do you look up to (as an actor/director/etc.)?

Barrett Wilbert Weed! I met her at a talkback a few years ago and she spoke about never feeling like she fit any of the “types” or boxes that musical theatre so often wants to put people in… so she decided the best way to deal with that was to stop caring and just be the best version of herself onstage. That really resonates with me, and I just think she is such an amazing performer!

Also, CT’s very own Cindy Maher. If you’ve seen a show at CTC recently, you’ve probably seen her onstage! She is an incredible dramatic and comedic actor, as well as super funny and compassionate offstage. I look up to her a lot.


What’s the last thing you do before you step out on stage / the curtain goes up?

Feel the excitement with the cast!


What is your favorite film or theater production and why?

I refuse to pick a favorite because it feels impossible, but I really love Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812. It’s such a beautiful fusion of so many different musical styles. I love any show that’s a bit (or a lot) unconventional!


Nine opens May 17th and runs through June 2nd at Connecticut Theatre Company. Tickets on sale now!


“A galloping fantasy [with a] ravishingly inventive and tuneful score.” – The New York Times