Spotlight On: Montana Telman
Connecticut Theatre Company’s “Spotlight On…” series continues with a look into our talented cast and crew of The Drowsy Chaperone. Get to know Montana Telman who is portraying Janet Van De Graaf!
Introduce Yourself to Our Audience:
I’m Montana Telman and I play Janet Van De Graaff. This is my third show at CTC and my fourth show this year after a four year break from the stage. I’ve been very lucky to play some amazing roles this year; Veronica Sawyer (Heathers), Wendla (Spring Awakening), Mopsa (Head Over Heels), and now Janet (The Drowsy Chaperone). During the day I own a coffee shop in North Haven, CT called crossroads. coffee; check it out if you’re ever in the area!
What is challenging about bringing this script to life?
I’m going to be 100% real. Knowing when to freeze. There are so many instances in this production where our characters have to physically freeze so the Man in Chair can deliver a monologue. It’s like having 100 extra cue lines to learn.
Why did you want to be involved in this production?
The Drowsy Chaperone was the first musical I was ever in my sophomore year of High School in the Ensemble. In college I was in Drowsy AGAIN! this time as The Drowsy Chaperone. But playing Janet was a dream role of mine…so I thought third times a charm! I love working with CTC and working in their beautiful theatre so it was a no-brainer to give it a go.
Who is the show is most like their character?
What’s going to surprise people about this show?
That is actually really funny, but also deep. There’s a wonderful juxtaposition between The Man in Chair and the characters in The Drowsy Chaperone that I think is a really wonderful commentary on life and escapism. Even in saying that, the audience will leave happy.
What will the audience be thinking about in the car as they drive home after this show?
I have a feeling the audience will have some songs stuck in their head as they drive home. It’s not necessarily a thought, but I know every time I’ve seen this show or done this show, I leave with either Toledo Surprise or I Do, I Do in the Sky stuck in my head on repeat.
The Drowsy Chaperone opens December 1st and runs through December 17th at Connecticut Theatre Company. Tickets on sale now!
Hailed by New York Magazine as “The Perfect Broadway Musical,” The Drowsy Chaperone is a masterful meta-musical, poking fun at all the tropes that characterize the musical theatre genre.