The rare instance of a musical thriller, Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler’s chilling, suspenseful, heart-pounding masterpiece of murderous barber-ism and culinary crime tells the infamous tale of the unjustly exiled barber who returns to 19th century London seeking revenge against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife. His thirst for blood soon expands to include his unfortunate customers, and the resourceful proprietress of the pie shop downstairs soon has the people of London lining up in droves with her mysterious new meat pie recipe! Sophisticated, macabre, visceral and uncompromising, “Sweeney Todd” nevertheless has a great sense of fun, mixing intense drama with howlingly funny moments of dark humor: audiences find themselves laughing hysterically one moment and gasping in surprise the next.
Directed by: Duane Campbell
Musical Directed by: Nathaniel Baker
Show Date | Show Time |
Friday, October 14th, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Saturday, October 15th, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Friday, October 21st, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Sunday, October 23rd, 2016 | 2:00 PM |
Friday, October 28th, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Saturday, October 29th, 2016 | 7:00 PM |
Sunday, October 30th, 2016 | 2:00 PM |
Thanks to all who auditioned for Sweeney Todd. The full cast list is posted below and we will be emailing you all regarding the first rehearsal/read through.
Sweeney Todd: Alex Kirstukas
Mrs. Lovett: Chelsea Derby
Judge Turpin: Hal Chernoff
Beadle: Ryan Pipke
Anthony: Robert Melendez
Johanna: Katerina Belales
Tobias: David Nunner
Pirelli: Tullio Milani
Beggar Woman: Jackie DeMaio
Ensemble: Daniel Badowski, Johanna Regan, Patrick Beebe, Erin Campbell, Dennis Hull, Iesha M. Rose, Doug McCarthy, Hannah Rubitz, Bobby Hannafey, Katie Harden, Anthony Lenczewski, Devin Orde, Tess Pepper, Kristi Yurko